Business Insurance
What is Business Insurance?
You will not find a successful business that doesn't carry business insurance. In today's society, it is absolutely mandatory to carry some form of it, regardless of size or location. It doesn't matter if you're performing out of your basement, or if you're a large corporation in a high-rise building. The range of business insurance coverage is huge, with issues from lawsuits to disgruntled employees. Everyday practices can backfire with enough force to cause a disabling blow to the company. Case in point: You send an employee, in his or her own vehicle, to make some deliveries at a post office down the street. In route, they are involved in an accident. Guess where the finger may, and often times points? If an incident occurs, and they are covered by auto insurance, the best coverage you get is equivalent to their range of coverage. If they do not carry any auto insurance, then it can be a world of hurt for the employer.
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